Serving Ingham, Clinton, & Eaton Counties in Michigan
PO Box 1111, Okemos, MI 48805-1111
apply for Services
Qualification Criteria
Applicants who meet the following criteria will be considered for free repair services:
Own and reside in home for at least two years in the tri-county region (Ingham, Clinton or Eaton County)
You are disabled or over 60 years old
Income at or below $1,822 per month for a one person household. For each additional person in the household add $672.50 per month.
Homeowners insurance is current
Property taxes are up to date
Homeowners plans to be in residence for two years
Unable physically or financially to complete task
Submit an Application for Consideration
1. Download the Application Form (Word document) or call 517-445-5068 to obtain the form.
2. Complete the application form.
3. Sign the application form.
4. Mail the application form to: Rebuilding Together Tri-County
PO BOX 1111
Okemos, MI 48805-1111
Application Review and Project Selection
Once your application is received, it is reviewed by the Tri-County Housing Committee. If your household meets the qualification criteria and the repairs are within the scope of our volunteer capabilities, we schedule a site visit with the homeowner(s). Final selections are made by the Housing Committee.
Projects selected are typically completed during Rebuilding Together's National Rebuilding Month in April. Additional projects may be selected and scheduled for other times during the year.